Monday, December 14, 2009

What is the least expensive photo software that lets you reduce facial fat?

I have seen it done in photoshop (the version that is close to $1000) where a double chin was removed. I am wondering if there is less expensive photo editing software that would do this without all the extra bells and whistles.What is the least expensive photo software that lets you reduce facial fat?
It could be done in Photoshop Elements ($100) just as well.... BUT... NO software does it all by itself. It takes a HUMAN with skill and indepth knowledge of the program to do a good job of it. Too many people think all they have to do is buy software and it will magically do anything they want at the push of a button. Sorry... doesn't work that way.

steveWhat is the least expensive photo software that lets you reduce facial fat?
there are some programs for portrait enhancing,

MakeUp Pilot - trial

Portrait Professional ~demo

other programs like photoshop for touch-ups,

Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo X2…

PhotoImpact Pro…

ArcSoft PhotoStudio…

you could also try painter type programs,

Corel Painter X…

Gimp ~image editor,…


Heres the link. Like the other guy said, it takes SKILL to do that, no simple button presses. Hire a retoucher, itll be similar to the price you would pay for elements, but you'll get it done right

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